She and Puddy Cat don't really share the same perspective on The Ideal Feline Existence - you'd never find Puddy Cat snuggling up to or grooming a dog for instance (one of Waifa's favourite past-times!), nor loudly demanding her dinner (Waifa is firmly of the opinion that if you want something you have to shout and shout and shout for it!); and I don't imagine we'll ever find The Cat who Adopted Us wriggling herself into a cosy spot on our bed for the night, as is Puddy Cat's wont.
However, every now and then Waifa makes a Big Effort to be Friends. You can tell from Puddy Cat's demeanour that this much closeness was not her idea! The Incomer, on the other hand, is clearly quite in charge of the situation.
"Moi?" "Bring the wild life in the House?"
"What Next?" I ask - again............
Butter wouldn't melt would it????