Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Gunner's Calendar - March

On his 8th Birthday - 8/3/15
Of all the pictures in the calendar this was the easiest to choose, although - thanks to my incoherent filing system - I almost didn't find it. Even looking for it again now took me ages - I really should have filed it in the right place.
Every birthday, from the first, we had a bit of a ritual. All bar one of our previous dogs had been rescues so we didn't know when they had been born. Pilot was the first we'd 'bought' as a pup but we never made a fuss about his birthday - I feel a bit bad about that now, but he was not that kind of dog really. Certainly, if we'd given him any presents he would have buried them at the first opportunity!
It seemed natural however to celebrate Gunner's birthday; he was such a special person. For the first two birthdays he had presents but by the time he was 3, and already a seasoned working dog, he seemed too grown up for them. Instead we would go off together for a special 'walk' for much of the day during which there would be the 'official photo shoot'! For his 6th & 7th birthdays he even had a Cake - liver & carrot, decorated with bits of chewstix! Doggie people will not think this is crazy.
Last year was slightly different. After the shooting season ended I started the usual slow process of getting the horse fit after his winter lay-off. In previous years Gunner had often indicated that he wanted to come along but I'd been worried about taking him on the roads. We don't have a lot of traffic around here but a shooting colleague had lost one of his dogs to a hit and run driver so the thought was always at the back of my mind. Usually I'd get Rocco groomed and tacked up whilst Gunner patiently watched. I'd then put him in the house before heading out on our ride. One day last February though, instead of going in the house Gunner picked up a stick and ran up the drive with it. Clearly he'd decided he was coming with us. So off we went; me, the horse and the dog; most days for the next few months.  Until the horse got fitter and, I thought, Gunner was having difficulty keeping up with us.  It was quite magical.  Gunner would wait patiently outside the stable whilst I got Rocco ready; as soon I led the horse out to the mounting block, the dog would jump up, bounce around frantically looking for a stick and then charge off up the drive ahead of us. After a couple of days he knew the route we were going on and would be either just in front or behind us, stopping to snuffle this and that, or he'd go off hunting across the fields and hedgerows - never too far away. Numerous times he came back with a rabbit or a hare - I tried to teach him to stand on his back legs leaning against the horse so I could take the treasures from him but he was wary of that. He'd get really close and lift his head as high as he could but I still coulcn't reach down that far. Many's the time I would curse at having to dismount, take the rabbit or whatever from him and then get back on the horse and carry the thing back home. I couldn't throw it down anywhere 'cos Gunner would just go and fetch it again and we'd have the same rigmarole!!!
So on his birthday last year, instead of going for a walk together he came along for the ride! We still had to have the official birthday photo though.
The snowdrops were particularly good last year; Gunner suddenly sped off snuffling under the trees in pursuit of a recently departed pheasant. I thought that they would make an excellent backdrop.  Gunner was not impressed when I told him to sit still. He was far more interested in where the cock-bird was going and would not take his eyes off it, craning his neck to watch his progress down the hedgerow.....
When it came to deciding on the photo for the calendar I initially selected this bottom one because of how it shows Gunner's profile. However, the top photo which I finally selected just captures what he is thinking...... he was not going to let that bird out of his sight. So typical.
Happy Birthday Gunner xxx