Delila and Andromeda go head to head |
We've only got 4 curly coats left now and two of those are destined for the butcher in a month or so. Delila and Andromeda though are going nowhere. They served us well as sows over a number of years and have earned a long and relaxing retirement.
Circumstances, and their litters, kept them apart over the years. Since we stopped breeding from them they have enjoyed (maybe) living on their own in their separate domains.
Jaunty transfixed by the antics of the sows! |
However, a couple of weeks ago we decided to move them to well rested pens next door to each other - not least because they are soon to be the only curly coats on site and must (we thought) want the company of their own kind. The idea was that they would grow used to each other from living next door and eventually we would let them run together and keep each other company.
Typical human arrogance to assume we were in charge of their destiny.
This afternoon when I was training the dogs in the Church field Andromeda was having a 'moment of decision'. By the time the last of the three dogs was out for his exercise her mind was made up. Jaunty for once, was rooted to the spot when I told him to 'sit' whilst I went to explore what Andromeda was up to.
Delila and Andromeda fighting tooth for tooth |
I'd been conscious for a few minutes that she was trotting up and down the fence and knocking her head against the hurdle which separated her pen from Delilas. Suddenly adrenaline kicked in and she pushed her snout, followed by the rest of herself, through the hurdle and off she went.... sniffing here and trotting there - until she came across Delila quietly snoozing away in the far corner of her pen...... She got a rude awakening as Andromeda poked her in the side: Within moments they were pushing and shoving each other around, neither willing to give way.... Just when I thought they were exhausted and the fight was over Delila ran into her ark with Andromeda in hot pursuit and their fight continued inside with lots of shoving and pushing and the ark virtually lifting off the ground. Jaunty meanwhile was still rooted to the ground watching..... he didn't move an inch!
20 mins later - Neither willing to give in.... |
After several minutes the sows tumbled out of the ark but neither would give in and the fight continued. Despite all the shoving and pushing there was no grunting or snorting.... but by now both of them were breathing very heavily. Squabbling for that length of time in those thick woolly coats was taking its toll. But still they would not give in.
Eventually though the older lady tired, admitted defeat and was chased off by the younger....... each then withdrawing to rest and lick their wounds. It was a warmish afternoon and I expected they would need a big drink but neither went for water for the best part of half an hour.......
Andromeda sees Delila Off...... for now |
... and then, after a quick drink, there was another bout of squabbling but the energy had departed and this little fight was just for show. Within minutes each retreated to their own ark to sleep it off.
When I checked them over later there was remarkably little blood and few wounds. Although I think Andromeda, the younger swallowbelly, probably won the battle She definately suffered more wounding than the older Delila.
Andromeda retires to recuperate |
Delila returns to her wallow to recover |
It will be interesting to see whether they settle down into amicable companionship or whether they still need to sort out who is numero uno.......