Sunday, 11 November 2007

Past.. present... and future?

We have developed a new theory here at the RectoryReserve. Pigs do not just rootle. They rootle for a reason. In Italy it's for Truffles (like wheat - at an all time high price this year). In the wild woods its for tasty insect and worm tit-bits. Here in the Wolds we think they are rootling through all the past bottles and jars and pots that have been long buried in their copse. Their noses can suss out all the scents of previous contents - beetroots, fruits, compotes, sauces, even maybe some old hops and malt liquids... they know that if they rootle long enough they will come across some treasures from the past which were not consumed, but remain contained in pristine condition in their glass and earthenware containers - only waiting for an enterprising Mangalitza (0r 4) to come across them..... Oh what bliss that will be. When the past becomes the present......
Speaking of the present.... we notice an interesting (?) development in Ginger..... her er-hum teats ... not the sort of thing you'd normally discuss about a lady -- but with Ginger it's definitely on the discussion agenda. Is she? Or isn't she? Has he? Or hasn't he? Well.... we don't know. But we can say without a doubt that those teats were not like that a little while ago. So something's changed..... So for now, there's a difference. Does that bode well for the future? How will we know. Under controlled circumstances (we're obviously not into too much control here) the sow would deliver her piglets 3 months, 3 weeks, 3 days and 3 hours (and probably 3 minutes!) after the deed was done..... But how will we know? Ahh - there's the rub.... do we start counting from now, or now minus a week and hope for the best? Shall we just be surprised one morning to see tiny ones scampering around in the frost? Should we call in the experts from the Veterinary practice which specialises in these things.... Are we just being excited over nothing... so many questions... we could do a scan? We could wait and see.... which is the best course of action.... how will we know...... Oh Ginger, give us a clue!

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