Wednesday, 30 January 2008

There it is!

Looks a bit like a gravestone.... but there it is. The New Ark door. You can just see a piece of blue baling twine attached to the door bolt. One morning last week we found Mangel and his mates 'playing' with the door. They'd managed to undo the hook (clearly visible on the door) and were swinging the door to and fro. We assumed they were having a problem with it... like it wouldn't stay open. So we intervened and tied it back in place using the blue baling twine.

No sooner had I exited the pen and turned my back than one, or all, of them had untied the twine and the door was being pushed to and fro again.

Did they want it....

(a) open or closed?

(b) just out of the way?

(c) gone?

Or (d) was it just a game?

Well... three was no way of knowing.

So I went and intervened; tied the door back again.

When I went out to fetch the horses in from the field, barely an hour later, there was a great kerfuffle and snorting going on in the pigs' pen.

On investigation I found the three boys (Ginger watching from the wings) merrily bashing the, now totally detached, door into the mud with all the vigour they could muster. Clearly the answer was (c) [or possibly (d)] above.

So I retrieved the door and put it out of fun's way!

And all the piggies went inside the ark and flopped out on the floor - exhausted or just pleased they'd managed to communicate with these dumb humans. Who knows?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

and didn't they always say that pigs are one of the most intelligent of the 4-leggeds