Jemima has settled in very nicely. We know she's around.
She is quite loud!
Not worried about telling the world exactly what she thinks (that she owns it...!)
Apart from not having seen a pond before she came here, she'd never met another duck nor chicken.... But is she bothered by them? Not a bit. Two days on and she owns the pond; hardly ever out of it.
Not a single chicken or duck has confronted her - leastways not in our presence. She doesn't even mind them sharing her food and quite happily eats theirs too...
Late Saturday evening I went out to shut everyone up for the night and found Jemima, White Duck, the two Drakes and a female on the pond having a real old quack-fest; well it WAS Eurovision night - perhaps they were having their own contest (they'd have stood a good chance of winning had they been in Belgrade!) Never heard so much orchestrated quacking.....
On my instruction - "BoBos quackies" - Jemima strode off to the Poultry Palace still quacking loudly. So I collected her and placed her firmly in her own private sleeping quarters. She was not amused. She made it quite plain.
Squitted down my jacket! Hmmmmph.
Once she was firmly shut away the remaining four songsters promptly waddled off to their sleeping quarters - well, once the party girl had gone what else was there to do.....?
Just another interesting little aside about Jemima. You might just notice a bit of a scar on her beak? See if you can see it..... we'll tell you the tale of how it got there another day....
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