Yet another pair have departed for pastures new!
On Wednesday 2 July the offspring of Paradise Curly 2 and Paradise Princess 5 and ditto Princess 6(of the noble line of Hagisz z Linie 8 Vasvar Ungarn, Ungarn z Linie 1 Bacska Hagisz and Ungarn z Linie 16 Hertobagy Mangal Ilona!!) left the Rectoryreserve with their new boss, Andrew Dennis (he in the red shirt). Apart from one small nip in all the time they were with us, they really were the most amenable creatures. Even loading them into the trailer on Wednesday morning was no problem. 
"That way?" they said
"No problem, off we go...." and that was it. And after they'd eaten that they set about examining every small detail of the transportation..... some very interesting smells.... a few low grunts but absolutely no fuss. Would that all pigs were so amenable! There are some that say they are - but others of us know different. It was quite sad to see them go. They will be missed.
They are now safely esconced in their tailor-made enclosure - furnished with woodland, pasture and a rather grand (we understand) house - at Woodlands Farm near Boston ( ) where they will form the foundation for a new herd of Curly Coat pigs in that part of Lincolnshire. They will get their first sighting of 'the public' on Sunday when Woodlands Farm hosts its first Open Day of the season.
Wonder what they'll make of that, having lived in the Old Stalls here since their arrival (quarantine regulations.....) and only seen visitors in two's and three's rather than tens, or hundreds!
Meanwhile we still have Lily of the same noble and amenable line whom we will, in due course, breed from to preserve the genes..... and we believe Precious is quite probably expecting a litter since she was living with the pair of them for a month whilst they were here....... Maybe the pitter patter of tiny trotters in late August or September.......... aaahhhhh
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