Saturday, 28 February 2009

The Folks from over the hill

The much travelled Bubbles, Duchess, Curly and Philip returned home yesterday from their holiday home at the farm over the hill. For some reason we thought they might be awkward to load into the trailer to bring home. So we bribed an extra pair of stockhands with promises of a sausage and pork pie lunch. Needless to say, the not so little chaps (pigs not stockhands!) decided to be all sweetness and light and trotted out of the crewyard and into the trailer in a matter of minutes.......

"Here's the limo guys" Duchess probably said as she led them on "Wonder where we're off to next?"
(Good job she's blissfully unaware of the aborted trip to visit the Glamourous Gavin: she'd be so disappointed)
Their next journey takes place a week on Monday when they will be off to visit the Great Porker in the Sky . Who's likely to take one look at them and say:-
"Galloping trotters, how did you get to be so very big in so little time?" because they are truly pigs of 'traditional' proportions. Clearly the farmer over the hill has been more than generous in her husbandry!!!
Unimpressed by their indoor accommodation they spent a very entertaining but fruitless half hour or so trying to nose up the hurdle and get back outside...... However, even the combined muscle of their four snouts was not enough to achieve that end and finally they gave up and lay down....... to dream up another plan....

Meanwhile, we continue to watch the rotundity of Precious's undercarriage with excited anticipation.... we really thought The Big Day had arrived last Thursday but it was a false alarm (on our part, not hers). As ever, we keep saying "any day now" so if matters progress as normal it will be another couple of weeks and then A Big Surprise......... Sensible lady is doubtless just waiting for the weather to improve and the ground to dry up a bit before ejecting her firstborn(s) .. who can blame her?

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