It was 'Open Day' again on Sunday..... not so many people but then it was raining and cold and there was a show taking place at Woodhall Spa... However, we had plenty of food to eat and sell - including, for the first time, bacon, chops and joints of pork - and when all that was done and everyone gone home we settled down for a chat with the film-man (of whom more later) before going out to load up Nigella for her move to join Delia and Ainsley at the Butterfly Park.
Needless to say,
the horses all came galloping over to watch:
"Gosh what's going on here now?" they all seemed to be saying: horses are big on nosey.
Whilst Ritz cozed up to the Film-man (more of whom later) Rocco busied himself sticking his nose in the back of the trailer
and then examined it closely from the front.... Eventually we had to banish them all to the Rectory Field so that we could get on.......
It took just a little while to persuade Nigella that she really did want to leave her mates and go into the trailer but she couldn't contain her curiosity for ever and soon followed Linda (and mayb
e the bucket) into the trailer where she slept overnight. After breakfast this morning we took a leisurely drive down to her summer home. We wondered if she'd remember, or be remembered by, Delia and Ainsley. We'd hardly drawn up alongside their pen whe
n the most tremendous snorting and grunting assured us that everyone remembered everyone and all were dying to catch up on the gossip ...... don't know why we ever questioned it.
No sooner was she unloaded than Nigella was given a guided tour of the whole pen; up and down and round and round and then again.... Then they all posed for one final photo before we left them to get on with it with that nice Mr Crosse saying how lovely it was to have another curly coat to amuse the children and grown ups...
The piglets seem to thrive on the attention and, by all accounts, provide great entertainment value........ "OOOhs" and "AAAAhhs" really get them going....... they don't realise how lucky they are to have such a wonderful summer home.....! Bet they think all pigs live this way.....
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