Dan the Producer man and his (new) runner, Peter (an even more able and polite chap than his predecessor) and the Expert on Pigs arrived in time (just) for lunch on Sunday before loading up the mini swine stars and heading off with them to their new home.
"Goodness me" re
marked Dan t-P-man in some surprise during filming the various stages: "These little chaps are giving me all the shots I need!"
"As if you don't believe they have been in training every day since you were last here?" I countered! Adding that "These little guys have paparazzi pampering in their genes you know".
They really did behave very well, even providing just a little bit of a runaround before allowing themselves to be caught, ear-tagged and vaccinated, provoking Peter into remarking that he would like to be part of "the catching the piglet game next time!".
Apparently there are plans a-trotter for them to be filmed swimming at some future date in their new home....... I just dread to think what a performance they will put on for that event...... no doubt we shall hear if it all turns mega-melodramatic......
For now, though, under the watchful gaze of Puddy Cat, they have gone off to wonderful lush green pastures to tumble and cavort and be pampered still further --- all under the intermittently watchful gaze of the Camera and its Man.
In the meantime, the remaining four are to be polished and preened in time for the annual Heckington Show next weekend..... more of which anon
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