Sunday, 15 November 2009

In the News again!

No sooner had Ginger delivered her latest brood than the previous litter were in the news again. The three film stars made their debut on National TV the week before last and the local press were keen to run the story......naturally.
The programme runs for 10 weeks. In the first two parts our little stars made quality (rather than quantity) cameo appearances. We are hopeful that by the end of the series the great British public will be treated to sufficient glimpses of their antics and experiences with Janet Street-Porter that they will be left in no doubt as to their superiority above all other rare breeds (... I know.... but I am allowed to be slightly biased!). If you want to learn more go to the F-Word site and look for Series 5 which includes J S-P's blog of her F-Word role and a short video of her with the Curly Coats...... If you Can't find it that way, key in

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