Thursday, 25 February 2010

And then there's the new Des Res...

It's all the fault of Delila, of course.

Although we know Ginger has a bit of the Home Stylist about her. After all - she did decide that she wanted that window in her ark -so that she could watch the sunset, and Mangal, whilst she was nursing her last litter.

Equally, it could have been Samson's fault. If he hadn't got his tusks severely stuck in the fence on Tuesday morning whilst flossing (boars use stock wire like we use dental floss) and made such an horrendous screaming noise that sent the whole herd into paroxysms of fright and panic, Mangal might never have acceded to Ginger's demands for further home improvements.
Or it might have been down to Precious who, having been abandoned by her, Samson was simply trying to lure back with a super clean Dinner Service.
Whatever the goad was, the fact remains that on Tuesday morning - at the same time that we were trying to extricate Samson from the fence, Mangal set about modifying his and Ginger's Ark. They can see Delila from where they are. Her temporary new home is totally open plan. Delila simply breaks open another bale of straw each time she fancies building up her bed, or sectioning off the garden terrace. There are no unnecessary walls or doorways. So, Ginger being Ginger clearly decided that her pad was a little old fashioned.
Nothing for it; what was needed was a modern approach. A Vista. Fresh Air. A Terrace even..... No unnecessary obstructions. Just her and Mangal and an unrestricted observatory above their ever-growing family framed within the undulating panorama of the Wolds.
Thus, amidst the extremely vocal groans emitted by Samson, we were distinctly aware of a steady "riipppp rirrppppp" going on in the background.
And when Samson was freed and his fence secured again and we went to investigate, we discovered Mangal and Ginger At Home in their unique Des Res...........................
And just for good measure, since it's not working consistently, Mangal ripped out the automatic water drinker ---- again. "No use having unnecessary clutter around" you could almost hear him think to himself.

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