Sunday, 14 March 2010

Mother's Day? My money's on the white one....!

It's Mother's Day here and we've celebrated with an Open Day - having a most convivial time supping the occasional sip and sampling new (delicious smoked) or favourite (slightly spicey Curlies) products with like-minded people and talking all things pig - all day long and well into the evening ......

Meanwhile, outside, the latest bunch of children have been giving their mum a treat too.
Having spent the first couple of weeks in their cosy ark whilst the rain and the wind and the frost made the outside world A NASTY Place, Precious's Little Gems have been making up for lost time in the well overdue sunshine.
They may have been slow starters but it wasn't long before they discovered that they could get to the grass that the big pigs can't reach - easy peasy when you can slide between the hurdle and the post - just!

And then when Mum grunts they quickly scoot back and then start playing the round and round and round and round the ark game.
You can see in the second picture that the little pigling at the back is telling the others that his money's on the white one.....

And sure enough the white one won.....
......and he must have got a little too pig-headed about it cos the others decided they'd had enough and turned their back on him

At which, he got most upset and trotted up to Mum to seek a little reassurance.... (he's only three weeks old, after all....)

...And she of course told him that he was the Sweetest, most wonderful little piglet in the Whole Wide World (until the next one asked the question of course - but isn't that what mum's are for??) and he felt a lot better after that and off he went to ruminate with his litter mate in that special little pile of dirt they'd noticed under the straw a while earlier......
In our own way we each and all enjoyed our day........................................

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