Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Truffles Hunting

Cherie has been very watchful of her first brood - the Little Truffles - even to the extent of chasing away the Best Pig Dog in all The World. However, natural instincts will out and, returning home yesterday, I was greeted by the five little piglets hunting for adventure up the drive.

They're not as brave as they'd like to make out though: within a moment of spotting me they scampered off through the wood and back to Mum and by the time I got there they were all tucked up in the ark as if they'd never, ever been away - Honest Mum! "Adventure?" "Us?" "Never"

The Maiden Aunts, meanwhile, look on in amusement. They've been up in the woods since Friday when we weaned Ginger from her Little Spices.
That was an easy job. First we loaded the Aunts into the wagon and moved them to the woods. Then we returned for the Spices who
happily (and curious to see, no doubt, where the Aunts had gone) - well, with a little food and prodding - loaded into the wagon and thence into the Stalls.
Their next stop will be Heckington Show for the weekend - the 4th time Rectory Reserve will have been represented at that venue.
But, returning to the Aunts; they are very happy next to Cherie and her piglets; merrily observing the little ones going to and fro, through the fence and back again - sometimes into their pen and sometimes elsewhere..... 'Shades of The Spices' they must think to themselves.
As for Ginger: well, she did just about make the obligatory "Poor me, missing my piglets" noises - for all of five minutes. Within 48 hours she was gazing longingly at Mangal - and he at her - so on Monday Linda opened the gates and Ginger gaily sauntered down to Mangal's pen and straight into his huge wet wallow. He was asleep at the time. When, disturbed in his slumbers by her splashing, he did eventually venture out to see what the hell was going on she was well and truly and delightfully covered in mud from snout to trotter. A state which has prevailed, more or less, ever since...... Mangal wasted no time in joining her and, like Darby and Joan, they've been inseparable ever since. He guards the doorway to her ark when she's asleep and nuzzles her happily when she wakes. Occasionally they have a bit of a grunt and snarl but it doesn't last long...................... happy to be together again and doubtless sharing tales of yet another brood successfully brought into the world........

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