Well - for a start, there's these 4 ducklings.
A number of broods were hatched since spring but, for whatever reason, only this bunch have made it through the difficult early stage - mainly, I think, because I managed to isolate them (with their mum) from the main flock and, even bigger danger for little ducklings, the pond. But they're big guys now - almost indistinguishable from their mother - so they'll be joining all the other ducks in the next few days.
Then there's these tiny chicks. The little brown hen that incubated them caught me unawares
- I thought she had another week to go and was planning to move her from the Bantam house to the broody coop in order to hatch the chicks but all of a sudden there they were, so that was the end of that plan. She's a fiercely protective hen and has managed to keep 6 of the original 8 alive for a week; a long way to go yet though.
And then we have this rather handsome Cockerel with his 4 wives. They're Lincolnshire Buffs -a very rare breed. The Big Boss decided to name him Clarence but his ladies have yet to be christened......
We collected them from Gavin & Stacey's home the other side of Boston on Monday afternoon and so far they have been too shy to venture outside their little house. It was pouring with
rain yesterday so perhaps they could be forgiven for staying in. Today though I opened the front door in the hope they'd venture out, but still they are happier to stay inside.
They'll soon get used to their new surroundings though - if Gunner stops going to check they're OK that is!
"What of the Pigs?" I hear you cry.
So here we have the new 'Wallow What Precious Dug'.
She must have decided that the old one was no longer fit for purpose because she very determinedly started digging this one after breakfast this morning. It's just in front of the door to the ark so I suppose she can wallow at will without worrying while watching her offspring tumble around indoors where it's warm and dry.........
In the first of the two photos she's digging......
... and in the second she's blissfully wallowing for all she's worth.
And, finally, just to show she's not the only one digging a new hole.... in the final shot we have Ginger's two Spice Boys engaging in their favourite occupation....... they are just so happy that finally it is raining (and raining.... and raining) that they cannot stop digging - except if a human comes within sight or - maybe - it's breakfast or tea time. They're just 'heads down' and getting on with looking for truffles - or something - all day long.
They'll be moving up to join their older cousins on Friday though so that'll be the end of digging in peace for a while........
But I'm sure they'll not be there long before they come up with something new... again ..........!!!!!
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