Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

The year may be winding down for winter but here it's all go, go, go!

The clock's gone back, the nights are drawing in, Halloween's been and gone (heralding
the annual 'pumpkin marmalade making' season) and it's almost Guy Fawkes' night........ Mark, our smiley butcher, has just won a Silver Medal for his Mangalitza sausages and his wife, Mandy, won Gold with pork pies made with Mangalitza meat.... what could be better?

Well, according to Andromeda and her sisters, not the weather! It's absolutely perfect - mild and damp - for rootling, a sentiment seemingly shared by all the pigs at the moment.
They really didn't like the dry hot bits of summer (not that there were too many of them) when their noses and trotters became bruised and sore on the inpenetrable ground. Pigs are just far happier in the soft and splodgy mud.......

Despite the unseasonably warm spell, the maiden aunts in the woods have grown the most wonderful curly coats, a consequence of which is that they are spending most nights sleeping under the trees and stars, the confines of their ark presumably proving far too warm.

Delila's latest brood, meanwhile - the Little B's (so named 'cos they were born on the eve of The Big Boss's Birthday!) - have just started venturing out, having been uncommonly stay-at-home for their first few weeks.

"There's piglets on your drive!"
Said a neighbour when he drove down this morning.

"Did they look healthy?" I replied.
"Very" said he.
"Good" said I.
Well, what else is there to say?

Driving back from town yesterday afternoon I myself was surprised by the sight of the 10 Little B's milling around under the trees scrumping chestnuts and whatever else their little snouts could dig up - busy, busy, busy: I had to smile: startled by the sound of the car, they looked up, squealed and scampered back to mum! It really is the most amusing thing......Truly free range pigs!

When we can tear ourselves away from all the fun of the farm, The Bestest Gundog in all the World and I have returned to our favourite winter occupation.

We're working on the same three shoots as last year and it's been heartwarming to get back
with the 'old gangs' and catch up on all the news of summer: who's fished what, who's won prizes at the flower/veg. shows; who's been where and built what: who's lost an old dog or got a new one.... so many tales to tell between the drives. And then on the drives - the anxious moments of wondering if The BGiatW will listen to the familiar commands (always), respond to the new ones learned in the summer (joyous - almost instant response to "Over" to flush the ducks on the pond), peg the not-yet-flying-pheasants (only one, but still despair) and will his nose be still as keen (better than ever when he retrieved the well lost duck). Such a joy to work with and he so eager and happy to be doing what he loves best. Who could not delight in a working springer spaniel doing his job so well........
And talking of jobs to do: there has been the on-going marketing of the Pork Provisions. Fortunately for us, the Smiley Lady known as Lucy kept up our presence in the Market place whilst we were away on holiday - for which brave effort she was dubiously rewarded at one event by torrential rain which poured all day and soaked her and all the wares and, worst of all, kept all but the hardiest customers away - but was she downhearted? Nope.

"All part of the Adventure!" she exclaimed................... still smiling......

But,this past weekend, she finally succumbed to a cold so it was my turn to go to the local town market on Saturday - not particularly good business done: not many people about.
"This market used to be so full of traders" remarked one lady as she wandered past with her son. She bought nothing. From anyone. Perhaps that's why market traders stop turning up?

Then off to another local town's Victorian Market on Sunday - great crowds, great atmosphere (complete with Morris Dancers), lots of dressing up and lots and lots of business done....... the lows and highs of markets all in one weekend.

And whilst some of us are having fun, frolicking in the fresh air, The Big Boss is busy co-ordinating people, pigs and products for the growing hotel trade, our new direct-delivery service and the forthcoming Christmas season..... there truly never is a dull moment

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