Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Auf Wiedersehen Truffle

 Despite the fact that Mangal is a Swallowbelly we get very few piglets of that colouring here. In fact, to date only two litters have included swallowbellies as half their number. The first was the Stars (or Delinquents as they later became known) - of which Andromeda is a member - born to Delila and Clyde. The second was the Truffles, born of Cherie and Clyde, the latter being the first born son of Tang and Precious, she out of Ginger and Mangal. (I put that lot in for the benefit of the Ancestry people amongst you!).
The Swallowbellies are slightly different in shape and temperament from the Blonde or red Mangalitzas. Physically, they are somewhat longer of back and snout and temperamentally (from our experience of them) they are a little more feisty. Andromeda was marked out for breeding from an early age - for those reasons but also to keep Clyde's bloodline going. He's unfortunately no longer with us - he failed the personality test quite early on so we took the difficult decision to end his presence before he became a problem. One thing we don't need is a problem boar!
The Truffle litter, also being of Clyde's line, was briefly considered early on for breeding but it was only when Truffle returned from School with her excluded mate, Aster, that we noticed what a nice looking young gilt she had turned into. (That's what a good school can do for a Girl!). She's strong, well marked and quite chunky for a Swallowbelly and has eyelashes to die for!
"She'd make a good wife for JD" we said to each other. Andromeda is already JD's No 3 wife after Bonnie (ex. Precious and Tang) and Lotos (ex. Ginger and Mangal) and is expecting their first litter in the first half of August. So yesterday afternoon Truffle left here to go off to the same Livery yard with the Nice Mr Thomas.
She made a bit of a fuss about leaving the safety of the Holding Pen for 'That Strange Trailer' but with a little persuasion realised that 'actually' it was about time for another adventure! She'll be in quarantine again (that's why she was in the Temporary HP here since coming home from school) for three weeks which is a(nother) bore for her but after that she'll be introduced to JD. 
I'm sure they'll get on well with each other but if not it'll be the Nice Mr. T who'll be saying "Auf Wiedersehen Truffle."!

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