Sunday, 26 August 2012

Update on the previous

So much for spending the night alone in the empty pen. By the time I went out to check in the early hours of the morning, Truffle had moved back in with the young boys and was causing a stir amongst all the boys - including Mangal. But we were off to a Food Fair so there was nothing to be done about it. By the time Linda arrived in the middle of the day Truffle had moved on. Feed bins and flower planters were strewn everywhere in her search for, we now know, her young Flowers! She eventually found them in the stalls and lay down on the other side of the hurdle from them. Which is where Linda found her when she arrived. Truffle was hungry and tired from her exertions (and, no doubt, sleepless night) and happily followed Linda into the temporary holding pen where she collapsed and went to sleep for a couple of hours. We  thought she might stay there - but no - when she'd recovered her energies she was off again - over the fence and back to find her piglets in the stalls. So, since it was bucketing down with rain when we got home later in the afternoon we decided to leave her there. We opened the hurdle and reunited Mum with her not-yet-weaners. And what a happy family they were. Truffle did a quick reccy round and then settled down to suckle her much-missed little ones. A day later, they are still together and more than happy in their cosy little home.
How we'll get them weaned now is another question - for Tuesday..... not for tonight.....                                                                                 

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