Monday, 31 December 2012

Looking forward

 As another year ends we could review the past 12 months or we could look forward. Well, we all know what the past year has been like; the wettest since records began. The rain has sapped our strength and shaped our actions. Enough.
On the pig front it's been pretty hectic - more and bigger events and shows than in previous years and an increasing number of pigs. We are now breeding from 3 boars and 6 sows.....that means 12 litters to look forward to over the next year starting with 2 in January. Victoria, right, could be the first to Farrow in 2013. She's a daughter of Ginger and Mangal and is in pig to Banana, son of Truffle and J.D. She's due any day after tomorrow. Closely followed by Truffle.
Both will farrow indoors. For the first time we have decided that conditions outside are not suitable for piglets - influenced in part by Delila's last experience but mostly due to the incessant rain.
The Big Boss has spent the festive season planning activities for the coming months: 50 or more events are already on the cards. Farmers markets with low returns are being struck off and replaced by Game,Country and Food Fairs - many of which are of two or three day's duration. That'll keep us busy.
Away from the pigs the 'Major' activity over the coming months will be educating The Bestest Gundog's Understudy. Already Jaunty is proving to be intelligent, quick to learn, increasingly bold and cheeky. Hopefully these attributes can be channelled into something resembling the makings of a gundog! Time will tell. If all goes well he could be out for a short few days next season......
Then there are the horses to get back into shape after their long winter rest: Rocco, at 20 is no spring chicken, but Ritz is way older than that and it will be interesting to see how much he is prepared to do. Mentally he is as sharp as a knife but he has a bit of rheumatism in his hips which will define what we ask of him over the months ahead.
And, of course, there are the cats to consider. Puddy Cat, the grey, will only consider venturing outside on a winter's day if it's particularly calm and dry. Needless to say, she doesn't get out much at this time of year but come the summer (Please?) she'll be the first to sun herself on the garden bench. Waifa, on the other hand, spends most of her time outside whatever the weather throws at her. Only this afternoon, in pouring rain and driving winds, she was teaching the Pupski some of the niceties of 'huntin for rabbits'. Can see we're going to have to watch her as his training progresses......
And that leaves the poultry: what used to be the main flock - in the Poultry Palace - is being phased out; there are just 5 or 6 hens who are being allowed to see out their days with two or three cocks who take it in turns to lord it over them. Last year's M&S intake have been supplemented by Linda's motley crew who have come to stay whilst their home is being refurbished - and maybe longer. And there are three small bantam flocks who continue to multiply of their own accord - the latest chick was hatched a couple of days before Christmas......Between the lot of them we get three or four eggs a day. I Know. Not exactly prolific, but there we are. That's more than we get from the 9 call ducks. As ever, I have a New Year's Resolution to collect their eggs this coming spring BEFORE they sit on them....... We'll see if that's one Resolution I can keep!!!
So, lots of potential for 2013...... the things we already know look interesting enough, what of all those that we have no inkling of....? In 12 months from now, what shall we be looking back on or forward to.......
Who knows....
Meanwhile, from us to you - Peace, Health, Happiness and Prosperity ---- Oh, and lots of fun ---- throughout 2013....

1 comment:

Illtud Dunsford said...

Happy New Year! Really enjoying keeping track of the breeding on the blog. We've just inherited some breeding stock (yesterday), so it's a new year and a new boar and two in-pig sows for us. Hoping to make it work/pay over the next 12 months! All the best, Illtud.