Thursday, 18 April 2013

More of the same

 Contrary to what we thought last week - nothing has changed! It is still very, very windy and, consequently, very, very dry everywhere.  Andromeda's piglets are ranging further and further afield - sadly they will have to be weaned tomorrow and that will be the end of their adventures...... Jaunty however will be relieved. In the Book, it says to train your puppy in the absence of all distractions... there he was in the midst of a retrieving lesson this afternoon when up trotted 9 little piglets --- hardly "no distractions"!!.  No wonder we're having a few (minor) problems with this particular lesson.......
Meanwhile, the three Ladies in Waiting - Delila, Ginger and Mrs Merkel  - are still keeping us waiting.  "When will the piglets arrive" we are all asking ........ When, indeed... Watch this space.....

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