Friday, 13 September 2013


The epitomy of contentment..........................
Every afternoon around 3pm Rocco is on full alert. As soon as he hears the sound of the little tractor and trailer he is there...... it's not the tractor, of course, that draws him.... it's what's in the trailer...... and he makes sure he gets his fill. We fetch the vegetables for the pigs of course but he's convinced we get them just for him - he doesn't care what's there - brocolli, cauliflower, cabbage, green leaves, globe artichokes..... he just eats them all. In the time it takes to feed 60 or so pigs he follows the wagon and probably eats 2 or 3 kilo....... if not directly from the trugs then from leaning over the fencing & pinching some off the pigs.... Cheek.
"5 A day?"  Well, he probably would eat 5 Kg if we let him!

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