Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Normal service bein resumed shortly.....

"Evenin' all: just wanna apologise for bein out of pawfeel for a while but Her 'puter been out of action and so She not been able to broadcast my news .... not to mention news of the porcine herd and the other anipals here on the Reserve......
However.... She now had the technology issues mended and - I believe -- things'll be back to normal soon --- cos we got ooodles of news -- and new weaners (almost) and new piglets - just this mornin..... and I been so busy beatin.... and the pups are all growin.... and my boy Bugler's been so norty........oh --- so much news ----m be back sooooon.....Watch this space.... " Wags tail and departs stage left.........

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