Thursday, 9 January 2014

Easy weaners....

"See this? Here I am, first thing in the morning being assaulted by squiglets.... what does this tell you? It tells you that these guys - and the one little gal - is gettin too tootsy for their trotters. Not only are they assaultin my early mornin' routine but they been squeakin by the back door to OUR house (note: not theirs); they been annoyin' the ponies by squeakin' outside their door at first light AND they been upsettin' the whole herd (not to mention the Human bosses) by makin' all sorts of squeaks as soon as a Person is up and about.
This is not acceptable.
See this horse? He a gentle being; he goes through life in a soulful way, quietly nibbling his way round the fields and mindin' his own business. Then  this happens. He find himself surrounded by snortin' snouts tryin' to snaffle his own little bit of sweet grass (and there aint much of that about this time of year) - see that slightly raised back foot? Yeh, well I know what that means. You know what that means? It means he is getting just a tad annoyed and it's his early warnin' sign...... He sayin "Move outa my space little guys or I might just have to push you" - and we all know who gonna win that argument......
And you see this? Well here they are runnin' down from their ma's pen - they don't wanna be with their ma any more. She only good for one thing - sleepin' next to when the barn (with-lotsa-food) is shut up at night. And if they get any rounder they not gonna be able to get back through the fence to her no way no more.
There is only one answer. I told the Bosses only the other day. I said - "We need peace and quiet again. These little guys gotta be sorted."
Luckily the peeps listened to me. What do I mean - 'luckily'. I the Bestestgundog and I knows what I talkin' bout when it come to squiglets.
So we had a little word with this chap and his bruvlets and sislet..... and the answer was clear.
Time to leave home and go live with the others squiglets in the barn-with-lotsa-food-in-it.
There was no argument. They like the idea of lotsa-food.
So's their ma wouldn't get annoyed with them we agreed we'd accidentally shut the barn door when they were havin breakfast the other mornin.... then it couldn't be their fault for leavin' home.... She never noticed till the end of the day..... (she sleep lots)
It was a good plan, what?
(We have practised it just a few times before now - not that these squiglets knew that).

"I haven't lived with these curly coats the past 6 years without learnin' a trick or two you know... "
So now we back to peace and quiet in the mornins and I back to going about my usual day job..... without havin to worry about what the squiglets are up to whilst I'm away.... *sighs peacefully* "

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