Sunday, 23 March 2014

Things are changing

What? You waitin' for me to do somethin'?
"Things are changin' round here. The first is that I (Bestestgundog) am passin' on some of the communications duties to my Understudies. Well, they gotta be learnin sometime so may as well start now.
So today it's Understudy #1 aka Jaunty aka Gaberlunzie Master at Arms ( with a load of monikers like that, he darned well ought to be able to speak for himself don't you think".)

"Ahem *scratchin' ear*.
"Ahem - I ain't never done this before... anyone out there?  *turns to Gunner for help*

"It's all right mate - you just keep on talkin' - on this machine you never get to know if anyone out there listenin.. just be yourself... Off you go...."
Listen - I am talkin' to you
"AHEM.. *scratches ear* HELLO EVERYBODY, HERE I AM ..."
"No need to shout young chap"
"Sorry: *scratches ear again* Afternoon all: I gotta tell you (bossdog says) 'bout what's changin round here. * Looks over shoulder*(how'm I doin boss?" -"Just get on with it, you're doing fine")
"Well, what's changed *turns round and chews tail for a moment*  what's changed is We are havin A New Diet!!"
"What d'you think of that?"
"We've only seen one bit of it so far - for lunch today we had big lumps of chewey meat ("It was ox heart young man") and ground up greens ---- it was soooo ..... tasty and very quickly gone and I licked my bowl everso clean till there wasn't anything left *licks lips again* and then I finished the whippersnapper's bowl off cos he didn't like the green stuff... tho' She-who-must-be-heard' says he gott finish it tomorrow..... hang on, just gotta go ..*runs off to check if bowls really all empty*....Just thought there might be a morsel left....
I am SO lookin' forward to my next lunch *bounces up and down - and again for good measure*- p'raps I better just follow Her w-m-b-h very very closely so's I don't miss nothin' "
"More next time"....

*Looks over shoulder - How was that bossdog?*
"Yeh , you done good - for a young one........ lots to learn yet though.....
We gonna be reportin' on this new diet for a little while so it's gonna be your project from now on......

*Wipes brow and goes back to sleep*. "No, Jaunty, you don't get a biscuit for 'all that stress'"..................

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