Sunday, 11 May 2014

Delila's little band get going

This is Delila's 12th litter but even so she was taking no chances. She kept them home for the best part of a week but after that they were off. Firstly following her round the pen and getting their bearings while she kept a watchful ear on them.....
..Then they were off out of the ark without her around to tell them what to do...... they were cleverly  camouflaged in the uneven muddy ground......

After that it was just a matter of  hours before they discovered the grass was greener on the other side of the gate and off they went. Soon they were visiting the rest of the herd and wandering off down the field at will.... Gunner's been keeping a watchful eye on them and they have proved invaluable in teaching his son to "leave" the rabbits (well? there's not much difference in size at this age.... nor colour come to that.....!). It won't be long, I'm sure, before they are running up the drive and following people along the bridleway...... Oh Drat! And digging up the bedding plants in the garden - which I haven't yet put in --- which I may now not put in!!!!

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