Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Compare and contrast

What's that over there?
 Six years ago this blog reported on Gunner's progress from would-be bestestgundog to proven bestestgundog. In his first season - 2009/10 - he had already worked 13 days by the third week of November. Bugler, who started work at the same age as his day has, by contrast,  just completed his 4th working day (Gunner having done 18 so far). That's the advantage of having two dogs to take to work!
By 21 November 2008, Gunner's 13th working day, his tail (which regular readers will know had not been docked as a pup) was so torn and sore that he refused to work after mid-morning and I brought him home in the lunch break. He didn't work again until several weeks later having had his tail amputated on 5th December.

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