Monday, 7 December 2015

That's it then

Sunrise after the storm...

Desmond, the fourth in the first season in which the met office are naming storms, wrought havoc across much of the Scottish lowlands and northern England, dumping some 11+ inches of rain on parts of Cumbria alone, during the 4th & 5th December. We were fortunate; we escaped the downpours.
A tumultous dawn....
Nonetheless, the day of our Last Ever Market -   Sunday 6th -  dawned dramatically over the Wolds, a fierce wind bending the trees and making the leaves dance across the fields. "Going to be a challenging day" I grinned to myself as I opened up the poultry palace. The chickens were not keen to come out. I didn't blame them. I couldn't help feeling I was going to get more than ruffled feathers if the wind didn't ease off a bit.
Fittingly, our Last Market outing was to the local town where we'd started out several years ago. It's not the busiest place in all the world so I didn't expect to sell out, but it's always more rewarding to come home with a 'decent' return. Over the years we've been to all manner of 'markets' in every type of weather - the combination of wind and rain is undoubtedly the worst - if everything doesn't blow off the stall, there's a fair chance that most of it will get wet. Added to which, browsing around markets is a popular hobby but one which only thrives in fine weather. As soon as the rain comes the people go!!!
Our luck held out; we were located in a sheltered street and after a smattering of dramatic gusts in the first hour the wind died down completely and the day became quite busy - familiar faces and friends not seen in a while made the time go quickly. Then it rained. And that was it really. Two or more hours of nothing much happening apart from the 'entertainment' and people promenading..... Totting up the takings over a bottle of champagne later my suspiciouns were confirmed. We'd done OK, no great shakes but no disgrace either.
Christmas Market stall 6.12.15
So - that was it. Our last market. Ever. Let's list the things I shall miss: Fine days in interesting places; being invited to attend things like the Queen's Golden Jubilee Garden Party 'Market'; talking to entertaining customers; the camaraderie of other stall holders; selling out; coming home to a well earned drink after a hard day at market; being told our pies/sausages/pate/black pudding/etc are "the best".
And the things I shall not miss: Getting up before dawn on a cold winter's day to travel to market - and not being able to feel my feet after an hour or two; leaving the animals for the day(s), being told "I can get it at half the price in Tesco (insert any other supermarket)",  missing more pleasurable events because of  markets...
More pluses than minuses....
Oh Well.... we've still a few pigs left so our options are open......
But this was Our Last Market Ever........................ honestly.............
Our Bespoke Provisions Service will still be available to customers ensuring you are not without your delicious Curly Coat products over Christmas and through to Easter  2016.

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