Saturday, 2 January 2016

And so to 2016...

Happy New Year everybody.....
This blog is going to take on a rather different 'character' for the coming year. For the past 8 we have had
A) Curly coat pigs
and B) Gunner
without them, what shall we do??
Well, that's what everyone keeps on asking us.
So, this blog will unveil our continuing story as it happens.
"Cheers" & Here's to the Future - to 2016 and the years beyond as well.
We wish you all good health, happiness, prosperity (spiritual rather than financial I think) and a whole bucket full of adventures.
We shall share ours - whether big or small. Each step along the way...... What will we do without the Curly Coat pigs and without Gunner?   .....
Find out first here...... xx

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