Tuesday 24 April 2018

Happy Birthday Bugler

 It is hard to believe that 5 years have passed since the morning I learned that Gunner's offspring had sprung. Meg, the mother, had a phantom pregnancy the first time round and, with time marching on I thought things might never work out as planned so went in search of another pup elsewhere. The Understudy, as I called him then, joined our family a few short months before I heard that Meg was indeed pregnant. Jaunty was just 8 months old when Bugler was born so they grew up as pups together with Gunner calmly keeping the peace between them. Bugler inherited a lot from his dad - identical colouring and markings being the most obvious - but also his biddable and gentle nature coupled with an overwhelming desire to please. He's not as "steady" as his dad but that's no bad thing since obedience is his forte..... which is not to say that he's perfectly behaved all the time. Since the training of Skipper I realise though that the faults he does have are undoubtedly the result of ignorant handling on my part. We're remedying that and he is becoming better - more focused and calm - as the weeks go by. I look forward to the next (his 4th) Season working with him - he is going to be a joy. Happy Birthday Bugler xxx

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