Friday, 24 April 2020

The Birthday Boy

After 5 weeks of 'lock down' I give little thought to the time of day and hardly remember which day of the week it is.
There are no 'deadlines' in the diary; no schedules to be met; neither people to see nor  places to go........
In the midst of so much humdrum Bugler's 7th Birthday is a Noteworthy Event. He's not a foodie so we didn't celebrate with cakes or special treats. Instead we did what he enjoys most; sniffing, hunting and 'finding' things hidden in unexpected places...... It was an unseasonably warm day and for once the beastly easterly breeze which has bugged us for days on end eased off and our 'walk' found us trundling along a cooling stream after a busy hunt through our 'secret' wood...... He was carefree and happy and, as always, a joy to be out and about with.  At 7 years old he is probably in the prime of his life. Whilst he is blissfully happy running and sniffing through the fields and woods though there is no question what he likes doing more than anything - going out on a shoot day and doing his job. Let's hope he has many more seasons ahead of him. Happy Birthday Bugler and Many Happy Returns x

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