Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Food and Drink

The seven little piglets are becoming very comfortable with the notion of being 'centre of attention'. So much so that when we had a 'wetting the piglets head' cocktail party at the weekend, Ginger was quite happy to open the Bar in full view of the fascinated onlookers. She really knows how to pluck at the heartstrings. The smallest of the brood, now known as Little Polly Piglet (the brownish one by mum's head) kept missing out and being buffetted by her bigger siblings. This drew frequent cries of "Oh poor little thing" and "Couldn't you just pick her up and tuck her inside your jacket" and "Move over you other greedy piggies" from the wondering crowd!
By Wednesday, with milk still much in demand, all seven had discovered the delights of hard feed and now tumble higgledy piggledy in and out of the 'mexican hat' whenever there's food in it --- and even when there isn't. They are also quite adept already at rootling; just as well as this is the way they derive much of the essential minerals they need to grow healthy and strong. Which they are wasting no time doing: already they are about 3x the size they were when first we saw them. They can jump logs as high as themselves and have great fun pushing considerable amounts of dirt and quite large stones with their tiny snouts! By the time they are weaned, at 8-10 weeks, they will weigh about 15-20kg. Aaahhh - what a shame they have to grow up!

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