Tuesday, 18 December 2007

The Three tonners and the three-week-olds

The little ones were three weeks old yesterday; although they still depend on mother's milk and sleep for a large portion of the day, they are very bold and lively and growing at an alarming rate. Already we guess their weight to be somewhere between 3 and 5 kg. As they grow, so their colour changes, with a preponderence of ginger beginning to show through. Ginger herself is a cross between a Blonde and a Red Mangalitza and until lately was very definitely 'Blonde' herself. Since the birth of the piglets, though, her colouring is reverting to a far more gingery shade. What colour the little piglets will end up is a subject of constant speculation here at Rectoryreserve.
Meanwhile, if pigs can have their snouts put out of joint, the three boys' most certainly have. They have become far more vocal since the arrival of Ginger's brood. They are also making a concerted effort to discover what lies at the Centre of The Earth. Some of their rootle holes are seriously deep. We're just hoping they don't reach their destination before the new pen is ready for them at the weekend. Of course, they may just be doing a 'Great escape' routine and one morning we will wake to find them all back together with Ginger again........... Now, that would be a nice Christmas present for all..................

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