Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Sunday visits

It's about a month since two of Ginger's offspring went off to live in the North of the county at The Pink Pig Adventure Park (http://www.pinkpigorganics.co.uk/). So, finding ourselves in that part of the world last Sunday we dropped in to visit.

And we found the two little ones in a privileged pen almost alongside the carpark. All the better to keep their beady eyes on any visitors. And all the better for visitors to see them. We stopped for a brief chat and a photoshoot. Their ears twitched as they listened to us, but most of their attention was bent on the succulent greenery under their snouts! Since they were clearly enjoying their food we decided to sample the cuisine too. And very enjoyable it was. All organic, home grown and cooked and served by smiling waitresses who flitted happily between the many young and old children enjoying their day out.
With lunch happily despatched, most people appeared to meander off in the direction of the nature trail where they could enjoy the geese, ducks, chickens, alpacas, sheep and a large selection of pigs. And if that didn't provide enough excitement there was more to be had from the various climbing frames and outdoor toys and slides.
We left secure in the knowledge that the hairy pair were enjoying plenty of company during the day and probably having great fun at night playing on all the toys! No wonder they looked so contented.
(Mind you, we're a little bit worried about the antics that must accompany those 'weddings in wellies'!)

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