At least four of the hens are going broody and attaching themselves to nestboxes full of eggs. And all the cockerells are becoming very territorial; I was viciously attacked by Rusty (from behind - the coward) only this morning! He's the handsome coloured cockerell you can see lurking in the background. 
Amidst all this spring-like activity, one of the prettiest apricot ducks has taken to wandering off on her own. Occasionally she's to be found with Merlin and his hens but mostly she's to be seen pitter-pattering and digging around the Church field or the stable yard (keeping a wary eye out for the 'three retrievers').
Much to our dismay (not to mention detriment to my nerves) she's even taken to sleeping somewhere other than the Poultry Palace or its lodges. For each of the past three evenings at dusk, when all the birds are safely herded into their 'bo bos', I count in 13 ducks(one too few); each morning I count out 13. But during the day there are 14. It's a mystery where she gets to - particularly since there are three very keen noses always around and goodness knows how many visiting noses each night. But there we are. She's survived so far. I keep my fingers crossed for her. And, meantime, have christened her Garbo.
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