Friday, 8 August 2008

Another photograph? Well, OK

Yet more photographs!
A certain Mr Phipps, a butcher of much renown in these parts (even having featured in Country Life for his craft) has penned a piece about the curly coats (focusing on the charcuterie angle) for a forthcoming edition of a County foodie magazine. Needless to say, this requires accompanying photographs of said curly coats. So it was that yesterday, just before the storms broke, the good now-retired butcher turned up with a professional photographer.

"I'd just like to get a few close ups if that's possible" he said "then I'll do a couple with you Eric". Well, he didn't know what he was letting himself in for. These piglets have been photographed since day 1; they come from a line of much-photographed-piglets. Easy to get close ups.

Add on another hour to get them away from the lens....

Nearly 2 hrs and some 500 photos later the photographer felt he had enough material.
"I'll wittle them down to about 10" he said "and the Editor will choose 1".

Wish I could be so ruthless with my snaps, I thought!

Anyway, it was all too much for young Delila; she just had to retire to the water bowl to cool down..... she used to be able to get all four feet in, but now it's just the front pair...... Ahhhh the traumas of growing up......

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