Thursday, 14 August 2008

Little Ern and Jen go walk-about

My Mama used to so look forward to the weekly letters when her youngsters were away at school. We're beginning to feel that way about our 'little ones'.
On Monday it was the escapees at Woodlands Farm and today we received these wonderful images of Little Ern taking Jen, his new 'Mum' for a walk around the countryside.
"He just loves it" we're told "gets all excited and skips around like a puppy when he sees his lead" (a one-time horse's headcollar and rope) "but quite settles down once he's on the way". As we see in these photos.
We understand, furthermore, that he is the most demanding piglet Alan and Jen have ever had; apart from constant attention and his walks, Little Ern just loves listening to Classic FM.
A discerning pig? Perhaps
And as if that were not enough, he can also carry fresh eggs around in his mouth without breaking them until he is ready and would make a first-class footballer.
Sounds to me like he is just being spoilt rotten. He must feel he has landed in Pig-heaven........
So tomorrow, the task for Linda-who-loves-pigs is to train Delila (and possibly Scratchy
- depending on how things progress...) to walk to heel also....
Watch this space........

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