Undaunted and inspired by our previous Working Test adventure, off we went to the East Midlands last Sunday with The Bestest Gundog in all the World for another event with the Gundog Club. Very early start, again: glorious spring morning, again: arrived at venue much earlier than necessary, again: lots of people, cars, spaniels there, again: wonderful 80 hectare woodland to run the tests in. No nerves: Gunner jumped out of the back of the car (in itself an advance - last time he refused to travel anywhere other than in the well of the front seat) all agog and looking eager. We were No: 14 in the novice class. Same format as last time: two judges - each dog to run in front of each judge: hunting for a few minut
es then sent out to retrieve firstly a 'seen' object then a 'blind' object. Instead of cold game, the objects this time were standard training dummies.
Gunner eagerly watched the other contestants do their thing: when his turn came I sent him off to hunt and - joy of joys - off he went...... diligently hunting hither and thither in the very dense undergrowth (much more his kind of thing than the light cover we were in for the previous Test). When the retrieve was 'shot' he paid attention and - when sent, confidently set off to find it.... returning with the dummy after just a few directional aids . Same with the blind re
trieve. "Oh dear" I thought "hunting fine, but retrieving clearly suffering today". But then I found out that most of the dogs were having difficulty with their retrieves and realised that TBgiaTW was better than most and at least as good as the best of them. So well done him: I was thrilled to bits with him. He drew lots of comments for his looks and his manners too and there is no doubt (in my mind) that he can go a lot further.....
No prizes then but we did get a lot of advice and positive comments from the judges and others: just need to build the confidence up and we'll be in there with a shout.
Next Test in a fortnight ..... different location, different Club, different - even more confident - dog..... maybe
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