It's official .. there are definitely 7 of them.... the "magic number" for curly coat litters! Delila is proving to be an excellent mother and the little ones are already very lively - two of them even having been spotted outside the ark this morning.... the earliest that any of our piglets have ever ventured out! And they are happily running around inside the ark so clearly a healthy lively bunch. No wonder Delila cannot get enough to eat!
Meanwhile, poor
Samson can't understand what's going on. Whenever there's a human around all he wants is to be scratched and stroked and when there is nobody about he gets on with the job of digging the most enormous hole under the gate separating him from the love of his life! He sleeps beside the dividing fence rather than in his ark and he's even off his food - which is really a bad sign..... Delila goes over to have a little nuzzle and chat when she briefly leaves her babes for food or water which must cheer him a bit..........Let's hope he gets back to 'normal' soon - maybe he'll be happier when he can watch the little ones scampering around their pen....
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