Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Life goes on......

A pretty picture to start with: the sunset as Gunner and I were driving home from an excellent day's bush-beating last Saturday: quite appropriate too in the light of my last blog.....
Apart from that the theme is rain.... and mud. The snow and ice were tough going but at least all the outdoor piggies remained clean and dry throughout.
Now it's a totally different story. The picture says it all..... Personally I'd have the snow back any day!

Meanwhile, life continues. The Boss had summoned up reinforcements on Friday afternoon - it being Moving Day. There was Ginger to be weaned from her November litter and 6 Delinquent Boys to be moved from the field to the woodland pen in advance of 3 of them leaving for the Great Boar in the Sky on Monday. And it poured with rain all day! Everything went according to plan - almost. Linda got completely stuck in the mud whilst picking up a piglet and Tony had to heave her out - round the waist from behind! Which, as he gleefully remarked, could have given rise to a bit of misunderstanding had somebody been walking down the bridleway (which runs alongside the pen) at the time!!! "She's a little behind!" will now be the refrain anytime anyone asks about Linda's whereabouts.....
In fact, come to think of it, Tony's main role on Friday was getting people out of the mud 'cos he also had to tow The Boss's car and trailer out when they got stuck in the field en route to the Delinquents....... no 'rude' remarks there though! Except about Mercedes design...... Gunner and I arrived home from our day's work just as everything was completed and the chaps were on their way indoors to get warm and dry. Timing or what?
The 7 Indoor Games - as we called Ginger's litter on account of the fact that for the first few weeks of their lives it was so cold that they had to amuse themselves in their ark as Mum wouldn't let them out in the cold - are now happily esconced in the Old Stalls, relieved not to have The Big Snout tossing them out of the way every time they approach the feed bowls...... Within 24 hours they were transformed from mudballs into cute and cuddly (almost) balls of wool! They're also fairly quiet still. Give them a few more days though and they'll be just as noisy as the 10 Little B's in the barn who, I think, could mount a Decibel Challenge against the low flying Eurofighters which are a common feature of our skies.......

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