Nearly two months on and Waifa's still here.... Pilot continues to be totally bemused and we continue to be completely amused. Any time before she arrived it would have been inconceivable that Pilot would put up with such antics from any other creature. Yet here he is allowing her to do almost anything (stealing his dinner is a definite No-no) and seeming to quite enjoy it. It's all very much at her instigation but that seems to be ok with him.
When she tries to cuddle up to Gunner, as she did just a few minutes ago, he gently moves away. Whether because he knows she's Pilot's Best Friend (and therefore wary of being told off by him) or because he just feels uncomfortable I can't tell. Be that as it may he has no worries about her coming out every morning, as she does, to help with the breakfast round. She gaily trots along behind me, or Gunner, depending on which of us is doing the more interesting thing and when all is done happily returns home to breakfast with us. The other day when I came up to the stables after feeding the pigs in the Church Field she and Gunner, having given up trotting around and sniffing together, were sitting beside each other by the mounting block, patiently waiting for me!
Not only does she know her way around outside but she's also sussed out where to go and what to do indoors. The litter tray was obviously something she expected to find, Pilot's favourite chairs are clearly hers if he's not in them and the spare bedrooms are available according to which one Puddy Cat has already sequestered (usually a matter of where the sun's shining in)! It took her a little while to join 'the family' in the Snug in the evening but for the past few she has overcome that little shyness and as I write has just sprung up on my lap and is playing with my fingers...... making it just a little difficult to type!!! She has a particular fondness for chewing fingers.....!....................! Now I've managed to persuade her to lie quietly beside me. Actually, quiet she is not - she purrs very loudly and 'speaks' even louder. Her purr announces her presence or her pleasure and her voice makes it quite clear what she wants. She really is a strong character. Soon she will have us all perfectly trained.......
Meanwhile, she's undergone a bit of a transformation since her arrival. She is no longer Wafer-thin and dull-coated; we've attacked the worms and the fleas and, last week, since she'd chosen to stay, took her along to our vet to be spayed.
"She was pregnant, you know" said he when he rang to report on the op. "Only 3 weeks or so but she'll probably be a little weaker than otherwise when she comes round". Well, I didn't know (but we worked out it must have been when she, heavily in season - which was what made me ring to arrange the op. in the first place - disappeared for 36 hours and we thought "That's it, shame but she's gone") and she clearly didn't care. Having been told by the veterinary nurse not to let her rush around or go outside or eat too much for 24 hours, all Waifa was interested in was jumping up to where her food was and demanding (a)more and (b) to be let out. She was not in the least amused at the restrictions placed on her. We gave her a little more food (well, we couldn't have her thinking that firstly we'd made her have a nasty thing done to her and then were not going to give her enough food - she might run away......) but prevented her from going out for 60 hours and there's been no holding her since!
"I don't think you need to worry" said Linda, an expert in matters Cat "She knows she's landed on her feet"!
I've a feeling she could be right and Pilot's Best Friend will be around for quite a while.......................................
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