Monday, 28 February 2011

It hasn't stopped raining.....

We may have (accidentally!) enjoyed the odd dry day and there's even been the occasional burst of sunshine, but the predominant feature since what seems like forever and certainly since The New Romantics came into this world has been Rain. Some of the smaller pigs are up to their bellies in squaddy (as they call it round here). Linda keeps saying:
"Surely it wasn't this wet last year?"

But it probably was. She and I feel sorry for the youngsters but when we are in danger of getting mopey or depressed about it The Boss reminds us that pigs love dirt! So they must be in heaven just now!

In a short spell between showers or downpours on Saturday Precious allowed her new brood to explore the outside world - but only as far as a metre or so away from the door. They mooched and snuffled for a few minutes and then decided that actually, just like Mum told them, indoors really was best - for now.
And talking of Mums..................... There's been a lot of talk in some quarters over the past year or so about possible 'wives' for The Bestest Gundog. One in particular is a fellow beating companion who, having been deemed a little small and light last year, was lined up for the role as soon as she came into season this year. Which she duly did earlier this month and when we got the call there was great excitement amongst certain members of this household..... But it all came to nought because by the time she was brought here she was beyond the due days..... all she did was snap and bark at her paramour.
Then there was Flo. A very nice young thing if a bit light and timid. She was 'in Season' just as we went on Holiday last year so that scuppered things and when her owner rang in great excitement a couple of weeks back saying he needed to bring her here "Now, today" we had high hopes. But she too snapped and barked at the Handsomest Dog in all the World, showing quite clearly that "No, this was not the right time."
Having planned the entire year around the likelihood of having at least one pup about the place I was more than a little disappointed.
"What I'm looking for is a well bred bitch" I said to one of my gamekeeper colleagues when, on bumping into each other at the Feed Merchant on Saturday he enquired as to the Dog's progress on the mating front. A bit forward I know but needs must!
He rang later that evening:
"If you can get the Dog over to Sleaford tomorrow you may be in luck!"
So off we went, me and young Romeo...... and once again we were met with snapping and barking and all the signs of "Too late, young man!". Which is a great shame because she has the most stellar pedigree even though she was not the prettiest of the three.....
"I did say I thought it was too late" said the nice owner "But I could have been wrong and it's always worth a try."
Well, "Yes"--- and "No".
All the bitches will come into season again, with luck, in August. And the owners all say they want to return....... At least now I am well clued up on exactly which are the right days so we'll keep our fingers crossed that (a) the owners notice the moment their bitches come into season and (b) that the three young ladies, jointly or severally, haven't put the Bestest Gundog off women for life!!!!!
"You gave the chap the wrong specification" said the boss. "What you should have said you needed was a well bred tart who'd been about a bit."
As ever, he put his finger on it.................

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