Tuesday, 8 March 2011

The sun has got his hat on.............

" Hip Hip Hip Hooray"

The Bestest Gundog in the world is 4 years old today.....

So we took him on A Great Big Birthday Adventure.....

to see the sea, which he's never seen before.

A whole different environment for a working dog
And he loved it straightaway................

Especially when he realised there were seabirds ...
Which he could chase and chase and chase....
all the way out to sea

And he leapt and dived over the waves in sheer glee
And then charged all the way back to tell me

What great fun it all was ... and then went back again for more!

So I took him up on the shore and he realised that was better still.

Not least because there were more seabirds to flush off the tide-ridden sands

He charged hither and thither and to and fro with gay abandon sniffing the flotsam and jetsam in his path..... just too, too many smells and objects to check out!

And then I took him still further up the shore and showed him the dunes -

And off he charged following his nose once more.... till, a few moments later, up flew a woodcock, weaving and diving and darting away from danger.

What joy! Thought the dog....... here too....

I never thought to see the secretive and solitary game bird in this place... it was doubtless just as surprised to be flushed out so far from its customary woodland habitat....

Such a big new world to explore.... I think The Dog would have gladly stayed all day.... but we had deeds to do ... and he was tiring....
Back home and he happily fell asleep in front of the fire to dry off - and dream.
Another time when the sun has got his hat on we'll go back to play again.......

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