Sunday, 26 June 2011

Armed Forces Day

 What could be better on a hot and sultry summer afternoon than to linger in the shade marvelling at the antics of a troupe of Morris Dancers. We particularly admired these chaps since (a) they were dancing energetically in ridiculously hot conditions and (b) the organisers had seemingly ommitted to tell anyone that they were coming so there was hardly anyone about - most having succumbed to the heat and wandered homewards after the marching bands and childrens' choir had done their bit - to witness their art. But, as I said, we emjoyed it.
The point of our being there was to support the town's Armed Forces Day - one of a series of activities planned throughout the country over the weekend to pay tribute to all those who give their work and lives in support of the nation, whether at home or overseas. A worthy cause and one we were more than happy to donate our time to as well as 20% of our takings going to Help 4 Heroes. It wasn't very well (if at all?) marketed so the anticipated crowds didn't materialise and we didn't raise as much as we'd hoped but "every little bit helps" as they say and - looking on the bright side - we got back home earlier than planned!

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