Thursday, 23 June 2011

Night Owls

We've got an international group of Mangalitza people coming tomorrow to visit the pigs and sample some products, en route to the inaugural Annual Conference up in Aberdeenshire. That'll be fun. I have a sense of impending chaos but no doubt it'll all 'turn out alright on the night' - as they say.
Speaking of night, the Martian Deserts are becoming ever more independent of their mum. It really is most disconcerting when checking round just before dark to suddenly be assailed by the unmistakeable snuffling and scuttling of a bunch of adventurous piglets at your heels. As Linda said, "Wherever you turn, there they are - in this, up that, over and under everything else".
In his customarily gentle fashion, Gunner last night told the most persistent three little stop-outs a bit of a bedtime pigtail - after which, off they trotted to Mum (you can probably just make her out in the background) and then to bed!
They are now past the magical 7 weeks though and their wanderings will end when we wean them tomorrow afternoon. Sad to restrain such energetic little spirits - we'll miss their cheeky presence about the yard/garden/outbuildings/fields but Ginger is starting to look tired and Mangal is starting to look longingly in her direction.
But there we are - one set of games in the dark will end and soon another will begin. Night owls - the lot of them....!

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