Monday, 14 November 2011

All in a days work

"I started writing this for Her last week cos She told me we had some busy weeks ahead. I thought a few minutes each day might turn into a picture of what we do at work. Tuesday was a typical working day: up early to feed all the other 4 leggeds and the chickens and ducks too. Then off in the little red car to the village to meet all my mates. Except my favourite, Amy - a black labrador - wasn't there again. But I soon didn't miss her because after what seemed ages we were off. She Who Must be Obeyed walks slowly and whistles a lot and I run helter skelter everywhere looking for the pesky birds. Sometimes they're slow or get tangled in the bushes and I catch them before they fly and SWMbO gets growly with me. Can't work out why. Thought my job was to find birds and bring them to her. We wait around a lot too in between.It's difficult to sit still when there are so many exciting smells in the air.She doesn't seem to notice them though.  And there's lots of banging; sometimes a bang makes a bird fall out of the sky and I think it's part of my job to rush off and get it as quickly as possible, but she gets really whistley if I do that and often shakes me; but if I don't get them when they fall she tells me to go and find them later. I'm still trying to work that out. We do this all day long; lots of running and lots of waiting; and at the end I'm whacked. But not so much that I can't get up for dinner.
 The second working day of the week started like the first: guarding  squiglets whilst SWMbO fed all the others. Then it was off in the red car again .
When we got out we were at a different place from the day before. Not one we go to so often - big gaps in between.Not so many dogs and the people are different too although I recognise one or two familiar smells from the other place.
I like this place; it seems quieter and less frenetic and she lets me get on with my work in peace. Although on Wednesday she did growl at me and shout once when I went to fetch a bird from the field after a big bang.
I had to leave it and go back later and that confused me and I couldn't find it at first  but after a while I understood what her arms were saying and I found it.
There are lots of big birds at this place; here she
 took a picture of what she called swans who kept flying overhead, though by the time she got her clicker thing out the swans were almost too far away to see; but you can just make out the two black dots in the very bleak sky.
It was a very warm day again and I had a lot of running around to do, what with finding birds in the undergrowth and then collecting the ones the bangs made fall. Then there were others that she said I had to find though she didn't know if they were there; they're the best ones cos she's always very pleased when we find them. There was one of those long beaked birds too that I found in the sugar beet so even the big man with the banger seemed pleased.
 Just when we though it was tiring end of day time the boss decided we had to run through another wood - here I am peering at something which was in there but which she said I mustn't go after yet. By the time we finished it was very bleak and my tummy felt empty and my tongue was dry. When we got back to the litttle red car she put my new coat on - she seemed annoyed though when she saw it had little holes in it which she said had something to do with a mouse ... I was too tired to notice though and just had a nibble of my food that she brings with me and went to sleep all the way home. Where I fell asleep till dinner time'; after which I fell asleep again. The next day we didn't go anywhere but the next two days we worked; once in the very familiar place with all my mates and once in a place we haven't been to since the snow fell and I got a stick thing up my nostril and had to go the nice vet man. It's still very warm for running around all day but I don't get as puffy as I did when we started.
Anyway, she's got that green bag out so we must be off again tomorrow. Happy waggy me.
I'll keep padding my notes and perhaps She'll let me tell you all about it another evening. I find it jolly exciting even though it's all in a day's work.And you might too."

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