Monday, 7 November 2011

Miserable Monday

"A typical murky November Day" remarked The Boss as we were driving along this afternoon and, looking out the window at the drizzle colouring the countryside a misty grey, Tony and I could only grunt agreement.
It was a suitable backdrop to the deed of the day though. Regular readers will know of our Curly Coat Custodian scheme and today we were fetching Debbie(Harry) and Annie(Lennox) at the end of their custodianship. Looking at the picture of the girls above it's difficult to see them as the young weaners we took to "Pastures New" on 24 April. I said then that I suspected they had landed on their feet! Bellies more like! I don't know if they have been the best loved and most spoiled Curly Coats ever but I'd bet it's a close run thing. That's Annie above having her tummie tickled. "I used to do massage" said the nice Custodian lady "so I've been practising on her" - well, I don't see a pig complaining! And, if further proof were needed of their good living - the curls themselves really give the game away. That's a coat any Curly would be proud to own.

Annie & Debbie were from Precious' New Romantics litter (born on Valentine's Day) and their home for the past 7 months couldn't have suited their name better: at the bottom of a well tended garden filled with delicious fruits and veg. - many of which have graced their bowl (along with a Christmas cake, though I don't believe that fell off one of the trees); designer ark; garden bench alongside, from whence I suspect emanated many a starlight bedtime story; playdogs for company and to serve as breakfast alarms; any many other benefits only Annie & Debbie will ever know about. Truly the luckiest of pigs. One of the most rewarding aspects of the Custodian scheme from our perspective is that our pigs get to lead such varied and interesting lives. Our Custodians tell us that the experience is one they'd not have missed for the world and lessons learned from the pigs will last a lifetime.
Not such a Miserable Monday then.

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