Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Easy peasy weanie pigglies

"How'd you get on?" I said to Linda on Tuesday when I got back from a day in the Field with The Bestest Gundog.
"Nearly done and dusted" she said "If it's not too late could just do with a hand to close the gate whilst I get the last one away from Ginger".
I thought she was kidding but a quick look into the barn revealed otherwise.
There were 6 of the Victorians snuffling round their new environment!
The little things were so inquisitive that they'd followed me into the stables when I was doing breakfast so I left a note for Linda saying that if they did that with her in the afternoon she should just shut the door and keep them in there till The Boss and I could help her move them later in the afternoon when we were about. Should have known that'd be like a red rag to a bull. They certainly followed her. Six of them have been following her everywhere for the past three weeks or more. So she deftly caught and carried each one single-handedly from feed room or stable to the other side of the barn! No mean feat with porky piglets. It took two of us to carry Number 7 across the yard after Linda had slithered through the squaddy and snatched him from Ginger whilst she was snuffling the last of her supper. She hardly paused as he was dragged from under her snout by a very small, strong, determined hand!
"You must have eaten a double portion of spinach for breakfast" I said to Linda later over a glass of wine with The Boss by the fireside !
Never have our piglets been weaned so easily........

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