Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Look who's come to dinner

 How many of us are lucky enough to see mice in the wild? The Bestest Gundog and I see them quite often when we're out on a beating day as they scuttle along the hedge bottoms. But to turn around and find one looking up at you, just like that, is not exactly commonplace.
This little chap was hanging around this afternoon waiting to join the pigs for dinner. He just sat and waited his turn. No wonder feed bills are rising.......Probably does it every day. First time I've noticed him but you'd need to know where to look in order to see him.
When he'd had enough he skidaddled across the mud and off through the fence and down the field to... ....... wherever field mice go to. No wonder Waifa cat was hanging around helping us with teatime chores!!!!!

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