Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Hesitation....Repetition....Nature's way

 It is said that 4 or so days after weaning the sow comes in season and is ready to mate again. Delila was weaned last Tuesday and moved back to Samson three days later. They were in no great hurry to catch up on the news of the previous 3 months getting on first with the important things in life.... dinner, checking out the premises etc. On Saturday, like a long married couple, they were meandering about together, enjoying the sun but otherwise just chilling and chomping. Same again Sunday. 

Yesterday was a different story. Samson was not particularly interested in his breakfast.  "Aha" I thought.
Sure enough, after Delila had finished all the food he started following her round like a lap-dog. Whenever he got the opportunity he nudged her in the belly - "Hey, you, here I am" he seemed to be saying.
She ignored him. He hesitated, thought things over then pursued and nudged and pursued again.
She ignored him. He nudged some more. She moved away, trying to ignore him. They might be a long married couple but she'd no intention of making it easy for him.  Well.... not too easy.
 Then he stopped hesitating and became quite insistent. "Oh, I didn't realise you were being serious" she said, turning in the direction of the ark. He followed. She went in. He followed. She looked out the door and disappeared inside. He looked out the door and disappeared inside. Soon she came out. Followed by him.

They wandered across to me at the gate where they each had a drink and a nuzzle. "See" he seemed to say "I won her round - again".
He's such a charmer.
There was no hesitation next time. She turned; he nudged; she walked back to the ark, he followed...... For all I know they may have repeated the ritual all afternoon but I left them to it - no need to be nosy,
"Samson & Delila have been at it!" exclaimed Linda when we caught up with her this afternoon. We were off to the saw mill. When we returned and were unloading she chirpily told us they'd repeated the process again when she was doing Tea Rounds. So she's recorded it in the Hog Book.
The cycle continues.... a coy hesitation then repetition.... no worries.... just nature's way......

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