In a daze this afternoon, undecorating the tree, packing away baubles, bells and bunting, mulling over the whethers and whats of New Year resolutions....... something caught my attention on the other side of the window. It didn't register for a few seconds - you know how it is when something's out of context and out of place....... the penny suddenly dropped though - Delila's piglets were looking at me through the glass!
It's almost two weeks since we cut the wire which enabled them to escape from their mum; since then their explorations have taken them ever further afield but this is the first time (that I'm aware of) that they've come to investigate the house! They snuffled everything in sight and chewed everything else and then scampered off
in search of other excitement! Typical piglets.

Following on from the successful weaning of the previous litter we've been feeding this lot in one of the empty stables. They're now becoming very familiar with the routine: so much so that Linda reported this afternoon that they were outside the (closed) stable door waiting for her to serve them their tea ! They've also been visiting the the other weanlings in the barn - no doubt asking them how much they had to pay for their luxurious indoor pad! However, the stalls are now prepared so that at any time over the next week we can shut the stable door whilst they are eating and then carry them off one by one to the stalls........ Since Delila can behave in a most undecorous manner at weaning time, that'll make our lives a lot easier....
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